Monday, May 01, 2006

something freaky happened to me today. was on the way to cityhall to meet the np pos people to discuss our orientation night. i was feeling quite nauseous since i woke up, but it seemed to got worse when i boarded the train. so as the train left orchard, i started feeling extremely giddy. in a few seconds, i started blacking out. it's like i suddenly couldn't seem to hear anything and my vision was extremely blurred. i was really trying hard not to faint loh. i felt as though i was swaying violently and really fought the urge not to squat in front of so many people. thank God the train arrived at somerset quite soon and with my limited vision, i managed to make out the pole and the train doors and quickly alighted. sat for a moment to recover and realised i had broken out in cold sweat. literally. it was super scary. i have NO idea why what happened to me happened. whew. thank God He's kept me safe till now. i still feel rather giddy though. omg what's happening to me?! alright. so went to discuss with them about the orientation night. which is for chc np people.. to gather and to fellowship.. to let one another know that we exist.. haha.. left early and went down to orchard to get a birthday present for my bro! haha. am going to eat some Japanese dinner later on to celebrate for him. can't wait.. POS' first preview ystd! haha.. i guess we weren't all THAT bad compared to some of the other schools :p but still we need to improve like ALOT. hehh.


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