Monday, June 12, 2006

guess what! the bauhaus and the logos assingment are finally over! haha. wanted to wake up earlier ystd morning to complete the final touches for bauhaus and the logos but i just could not wake up. haha. in the end, i slept till 10 sth and finally got up. sent the stuff for printing at bras basah complex around 12 plus. the printing for both the bahaus brochure and the logos assignment cost me $21. ??!!!?!! projects cost you money. alot. this is not all. i also had to buy 3 boards to stick the logos on and glue.. someone tell me.. why??! haha. there is no more money left for the GSS! heh heh.
rushed home after printing, stuck the brochure together, stuck the logos on the board, looked at my work and wished all the best for it, and off i went to hand it in. and yes. bauhaus and the logos are history.. for now at least.
after handing my stuff in, went over to the same old room at blk 73 for POS appreciation night! haha. was really good. i miss those trg times and i miss the fellowship too! ha. watched some videos and saw some photos, played this game called "uncle, kopi gui lui" (uncle, coffee how much), got bitten on the head by joy (haha!), had praise and worship, award presentation, food!, and then we sat around taking photos and watching x-men III. then the some of the guys went to the court to play soccer and then some of the flyers suddenly wanted to try basing! haha. so off we went to the court too. i tried basing for the first time in my life! haha. now.. i understand what it feels like. ha! so we went back to 73, cam-whored a bit more, and then some of us left for home while the others went to holland v for coffee. hee.

to think that the universe,
could not withhold Your glory,
You choose to live in me.
i'm so AMAZED.


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