Sunday, January 22, 2006

I'm still missing Japan!! hehe.. it was great fun man. and now, i'm feeling really bad, because i havent passed Mr Tan the reflection and photos.. and i was supposed to do so like weeks ago. i'm going to do it by wed. i still don't know whether i should go to poly or jc.. i'm afraid i might not like jc life.. and at least in poly i get to do what i like.. and if i go to poly, i definitely want to take mass comm at NP. that's like the only poly course i'm interested in. otherwise, i would go for tourism. but that's not even a second choice at all cos i don't have one in the first place. my one and only choice is mass comm. tourism is just a.. back-up choice.. a no-choice choice. haha. well, i just wana trust God that He'll show me the path He wants me to take.. sth that will prove to be the best choice. :)
anwsss.. sch is SUPER boorrrringg. lectures are boring, tutorials are boring. teachers also quite boring. and sometimes, it's really hard to listen to the teachers during lectures esp if you sit at the back because his/her voice would sound really muffled. and it's hard to concentrate in a big grp too, esp when everyone's talking. but, Diretacadaming really spruce up life in school.. haha, love my friends! :)


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